

Thursday, December 14, 2017


MATH:  I added one more.  I practiced flashcards with adding numbers.  I also counted by 10s and wrote the days of the week.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I read to my mom.  I did spelling.  I did handwriting and drew a picture of leaves.

SCIENCE: I learned about the moon.  I got a ball and a flashlight and we turned the ball around and we figured it out that the other part stays dark.  Sometimes the moon looks big, and sometimes the moon is in the shadow and sometimes its fully gone because clouds are in the way.

ENGINEERING:  I built lots of new things.  I built a cool rocket ship.

SWIMMING:  I back floated in swimming class and I front floated.  The back float is called a sea star.  I also swam using my arms.  That's called dive swim.  My little brother went swimming with me.

Sunday, December 10, 2017


MATH:  I practiced writing numbers.  I also added groups together.  I counted by 10s.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I wrote in my school journal and drew pictures.  I read books to my mom.  One was about gum and how everyone tried different things to get it out of the carpet.  I did spelling and handwriting.

SCIENCE:  I'm learning about space.  The sun is in the middle of the solar system.  Earth goes around the sun in an orbit.  I'm making a book about the planets.

ENGINEERING:  I'm making new things.  I made a house with windows and a door and also a car.

SWIMMING:  I'm learning how to jump in the water and go to my teacher.  I'm also practicing gliding and kicking my feet.

Friday, December 1, 2017


MATH:  For math I wrote numbers in the 30s.  I also practiced counting.  I did shapes too.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I made words with my letter tiles.  I good at that.  I did spelling words.  I read a book called "Run, Bug, Run."  I also read a book about a dog.

SCIENCE:  The sun is in the middle of our solar system called the Milky Way.  I also went to the zoo.  I saw zebras, giraffes, an elephant, sea lions, and a polar bear swimming around and playing with a toy.  I saw lions and tigers and monkeys.  The monkeys were so small.

ENGINEERING: I built some new things.  I like building and using my imagination.

KARATE:  I got my white and yellow belt because I broke a board.  That was in my test.  I also passed all my kicks.