

Monday, March 26, 2018


MATH:  For math I started learning how to tell time.  I counted by 5s.  I practiced writing numbers.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I read books to my mom.  I did worksheets with words.  I did spelling and handwriting.

SCIENCE:  I learned about bacteria.  We looked at it under a microscope.  I like microscopes.

ENGINEERING:  I built new designs with my legos.  I like building new things.  My brother helped me.

SWIMMING:  I was sick this week so I missed swimming.  I'll be back next week.

Monday, March 19, 2018


MATH:  For math I found the missing numbers to count to 10 using beans.  I also practiced skip counting by 5s.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I read a new book, and I read stories from my Classics book.  I read to my dad.  I did spelling and handwriting.  I wrote sentences.

SCIENCE:  I learned about constellations.  I made the Big Dipper with toothpicks and marshmallows.  Some people used to think the stars in the sky made shapes that looked like people and animals.

ENGINEERING:  I built a car and a building.  I love building new things with my legos.

KARATE:  I practiced kicks, punches, and blocks.  I also ran around the room in my fighting stance.

Friday, March 9, 2018


MATH:  I learned how to find the missing number adding to 10.  I also practiced writing numbers.  I will be learning about clocks soon.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I read a book called "Jill".  I also read a book called "Small Things".  I did handwriting and spelling.  I practiced a poem. 

SCIENCE:  I learned about cells.  Some cells can join together and some are just by themselves.  We looked at pictures of cells.

ENGINEERING:  I built a building with my legos.  I also built an airplane.  I like making new things.

KARATE:  I practiced my fighting stance.  I learned some new kicks and punches and blocks.

Friday, March 2, 2018


MATH:  I did skip counting by 10s.  I wrote numbers.  I added different ways to get to 10.  I used beans to count with.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I read a book called "Jill".  I'm reading lots of books.  I did spelling and handwriting.  I played a game of saying the sound of the letter when you roll the block.

SCIENCE:  I learned about microscopes.  I looked in it at a hair and skin cells.  You can move it up or down to change it.

ENGINEERING:  I built a new space craft with my legos.  I also built a scooter.  I love building new things.

KARATE:  I used nun-chucks.  Mine were black nun-chucks.  My teacher said up and down and catch it under your armpit.  I love nun-chucks.  They're the best!